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Body on certification.


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The main agency. 


  1. All procedures according to which the Body on certification "CSIT"  works, are carried out on an equal in rights basis - each applicant has the right to choose any procedure of certification from available in "CSIT". 

  2. The body on certification is accredited in "CSIT" according to requirements of GOST ς 51000.5-96, and will carry out (spend) works as it is specified in GOST ς ισο/νόλ 17025 and managements (manuals) ισο/νόλ 39 and 62. Has the own system of quality appropriate to requirements of GOST ς ισο/νόλ 65-2000. 

  3. Heads Body on certification Miftahutdinova Olga Nikolaevna.  

  4. The body on certification "CSIT" will carry out (spend) certification of production independent of the manufacturer and the seller, from the customer and the buyer, from the state bodies. 

  5. The body on certification is completed specially prepared for performance of works on certification by the personnel which passes periodic certification. 

  6. The body on certification gives a guarantee of that activity of the enterprises connected to it and state bodies does not influence confidentiality, objectivity and not bias of certification spent by it. 

  7. The body on certification has means and procedures of the account of the given certificates and results of the activity. Conducts the Register of certificates. Each certificate has unique number and inures from the date of its registration in the register. 

  8. With applicants the Body on certification "CSIT" organizes work on a contractual basis that includes confidentiality and excludes the conflict of interests. As applicants legal and physical persons may act. 

  9. The body on certification accepts decisions under claims, appeals and the questions at issue acting:
    from Applicants to Test laboratories by results of testing;
    from buyers and customers to the suppliers of production having the certificate and The license for use of the Mark of conformity;
    from other parties (sides) on any other questions connected from certification in System of voluntary certification of information technologies.

  10.  Concludes contracts on performance of the works connected to certification (for example, tests or inspection check), with the foreign organization or the person that includes confidentiality and the conflict of interests. 

  11. The body on certification of System of voluntary certification of information technology has no the right:

    Α) To deliver and project that production which will certificate.
    Β) To give advice (councils) or to render consulting services to the applicant concerning methods of consideration of the questions being barriers to certification on which the application is sent.
    Χ) To give any other production or services which may compromise confidentiality, objectivity or impartiality of process of realization to them to certification and the accepted decisions.

The contact information 

Our address:


Fax: E-mail  

(095) 151-80-92

(095) 393-87-49 scit@sertification.ru

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Copyright Ώ 2002 Certification system of information technologies
Last updated: 13-04-2002 20:21 +0400