June, 11, 2002

The international mathematical conference " Yerugin readings - VIII "

From May, 20 till May, 23, 2002 in city of Brest of Byelorussia
The International mathematical conference " Yerugin readings - VIII " has passed,
in which representatives "CSIT" participated.

Conference has found necessary will address in Interstate council on standardization, metrology and certifications of the CIS with the offer - " To recommend the states - to participants of the CIS to recognize certificates "Voluntary Certification System of Information Technologies ".  To recommend the scientific organizations of the countries of the CIS to accept active participation in development "CSIT", widely to use its opportunities for improvement of quality of program production and information systems ".

More the entire account will be published later.

June, 9, 2002

February, 18, 2002.
On our site the new section "Body on certification" ( http://www.sertification.ru/eng/isp_organ ) has opened. 
Section yet up to the end the body on certification is ready, but substantive provisions, that such, than it is engaged also who of it heads it is already possible to read. Your wishes and responses, you may send on olga@sertification.ru,  we shall be very glad. 

February, 2, 2002.
Dear subscribers! 
"CSIT" has begun certification of educational and game software for preschool children. Developers of computer programs on training children of preschool age by results of certification will receive not only the certificate, but also recommendations for perfection of the program. Testing passes with children under supervision of skilled teachers and the psychologist. To certification game programs are invited also. 
Weather, exchange rates - http://www.sertification.ru/eng/mcs.htm 
Archive of dispatch - http://www.sertification.ru/eng/news/index.htm

January, 21, 2002.
Competition "PUP-2001".
Works on competition continue to act. Children more active appeared than adults. Unfortunately photos and figures act only from Moscow. Apparently, outside capital to people not before competitions. Very pleasant news. The collective participant of competition has appeared. A kindergarten of #32. Moscow. A kindergarten has exposed more than 60 figures of the pupils and a photo pups their owners. We wait for followers of this interesting undertaking.

Professor Grebenikov Eugeny Aleksandrovich.
The honourable scientific adviser of System of voluntary certification of information technologies
January, 20, 2002 Eugeny Aleksandrovich has noted the 70-anniversary!
We congratulate you on one anniversary! 
Your fruitful scientific activity in the field of mathematics and astronomies is widely known in Russia and is far behind its limits.Having conclusive authority on a science. One of minor planets of Solar system carries a name "Grebenikov". You from afar a plenty of proceedings, have brought up the whole school scientific - 8 doctors of sciences and more than 40 candidates. During all creative life preserved a science against untidiness, ignorance from pseudo-scientific character. Your responsibility before a science is an example for imitation young scientists, your pupils. We wish you, Eugeny Aleksandrovich, health, the active creative longevity, new scientific finds and opening, talented pupils and talented pupils to your pupils, happiness, humour and optimism, well-being. 
Yours faithfully. Collective CSIT. 



Dear colleagues!

The voluntary certification system of information technologies (CSIT) ago has finished some time up to publishers of reference and advertising editions of the offer on certification.
We have met some publishers and had a talk.
I have decided to share the reasons with you in the open letter. The most widespread offer in conversations.
Certification to carry out (spend) on mutual services. CSIT will carry out (spend) certification, and in exchange in the directory the publisher forms smart advertising for the appropriate sum.
The good offer. But there is a little "BUT"!
BUT the first. 
The international rules of certification are forbidden to use products and services which will be certificated.
BUT the second.
Let's present, that I have agreed with all offers and since January, 1, 2002 in all directories which have received the certificate CSIT smart advertising itself CSIT will appear. 
- "CSIT" has turned from independent in dependent;
- The certificate "CSIT" has depreciated;
- In one year "CSIT" loses state-registration;
- Certification of your directory becomes void, i.e. false;
- Your directory loses prestige and looks ridiculous.



Sirs if you are interested with the FALSE certificate, draw its. In what a problem?
The summary.
Any certificate of the edition with advertising this Certification system is legally void. The next deceit of buyers. It contradicts 
principles CSIT. 
The offer:
Sirs let's play pure(clean) certificates, we shall not cut twig on which we sit.

The president CSIT N.Zheleznov

December, 19, 2001. 

In CSIT the new test laboratory is accredited. School of #591. Moscow. The principal - Igor Alekseevich 
Web-site: http://www.sch591.agava.ru 
E-mail: school591@mtu-net.ru 
Problems (tasks) of laboratory: To carry out (spend) tests of production in the field of information technologies of educational purpose (assignment). To test services of experts: operators of the personal computer, programmers, system engineers and system managers. To carry out (spend) tests of the software, databases and bases of knowledge, a reference media of educational purpose (assignment).

Dear sirs! 

The first works on Competition "PUP 2001" have acted (arrived). We have already begun to worry, really nobody likes small pretty pups. Organizers did not consider that is far from being at all there is an opportunity to enter into the computer the works. We give the post address on which it is possible to direct works. 115 573, Moscow, Nut pr., b.43, corp.2., Open Company 
" the Marketing centre "September". With a mark "Competition". : Certification system of information 

The information for contacts: Certification system of information technologies

address: phone:  fax:  e-mail:
Moscow (095) 151-80-92 (095) 393-87-49  scit@sertification.ru

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